Defibrinated Horse Blood
Product: Defibrinated Horse Blood
Volume | Product Code |
1 Lt or higher volume in bag | SDC-1000 |
500 mL | SDC -500 |
100 mL | SDC -100 |
50 mL | SDC -50 |
25 mL | SDC -25 |
Use: Further manufacturing in the bio-farmaceutical industry. Not intended for human consumption or therapeutic purposes
Stability and storage: the product must be stored refrigerated at a temperature range within + 2 °C e i + 8 °C. If stored as indicated the product is stable for 3 weeks from the day of production.
Product specifications:
Test | Specifications |
Osmolarity 0.62 % | Resistant |
PCV (%) | > 32 % |
Sterility, absence of Bacteria Fungi and Yeast 2.6.1 Eur. Phar. | Sterile |