Rat serum raw
Product: Rat serum raw
Code n°: 05.RTS (500 ml bottle)
Batch sizes: from 0,5 to 100 liters
Filling sizes: 500 mL bottle
Origin: Italy
Shelf life: 3 years from date of production if the product is stored at proper temperature and without any cycle of freeze and thaw
Storage Temperature: – 10 °C to -20 °C
Use: Further manufacturing in bio-pharmaceutical field. Not for human or animal consumption.
Stability and storage: The product must be stored in a temperature range within -5 °C and -20 °C. If stored at this temperature range the serum is stable for three years from the date of production. It is recommended to not make more than one cycle of freeze and thaw, but to make various aliquots.
Turbid material or flocculation can be observed if the product is thawed or stored for a long time at cold temperatures, this is common concerning serum and it is not detriment of its functionality.